As nonprofit case workers identify basic needs for clients and families they serve, they guide them to existing local resources. If a Neighbor's needs go beyond existing options, a case worker can utilize NeighborRelief to support a need through direct contributions from donors. While the details of Neighbor stories are real, we use pseudonyms to protect their identity and dignity. We build each 501(c)(3) partner nonprofit their own NeighborRelief website to share their mission and post Neighbor needs.

This is where the community comes in. Nonprofits share their individual NeighborRelief sites with donors, while community members can browse needs across all nonprofit partners from the NeighborRelief homepage. Donors can read through Neighbor need bios, make tax-deductible contributions directly to needs of their choice, and leave words of encouragement for Neighbors they support. Our goal is to make your donor experience as powerful and personal as possible.

We process donations directly to the providers (utility company, landlord), paying a Neighbor’s need as quickly as possible to match their often urgent circumstances. Our direct payments aren’t only secure and timely, they also reduce administrative burdens for nonprofit staff. This helps our nonprofit partners focus their effort on serving their clients and driving towards their missions, which translates to stronger communities for all of us.

Our Nonprofit Partners
Click on a nonprofit’s logo to view their NeighborRelief site and make a donation.
Click here to browse needs across all NeighborRelief nonprofits.
Click on a nonprofit’s logo to view their NeighborRelief site and make a donation.
Click here to browse needs across all NeighborRelief nonprofits.